The following 5 userexperiencegoals, listedin a logicalorder, mayhelpyoutofindtherightdirectionofuserexperiencedesign ASAP andmakeyouanexcellent UX designer.
Goal 1: “I gotwhat I need”.
To giveuserswhattheyneedisthefirstgoalofuserexperiencedesign. Beforeusing a product, peoplearemostlyconcernedabout “whetheritisuseful?” “Willthisproductsolvemyproblems?”
Goal 2: “Don’tmakemethink”.
“Will I getwhat I wantin a mostsimple, directandquickway?” It wouldbebetterifyou “Don’tmakemethink”. A complicated-to-useprototype/wireframetoolis a baddesignitself, sohowcanwemakegood UI orproductprototypewithit?
Goal 3: “I reallyenjoyusingit”.
Many products have similar functions, which can all meet the users’ needs to some extent. But only few of them are favored by users, why?
When designing video player software, how many “ss” should the “black screen” last to draw the users’ attention, but never make them feel impatient? Why some social platforms only allow its users to access more functions after a period of time? Those are all questions that user experience designers should concern about.
Goal 4: Habitis a secondnature
“Whethertheproductisattractiveenoughformetouseitfor a longterm?”, andeven “becomespartofmylife” and “makesmeaddictedtoit”.
Goal 5: Makeusersyourpromoters
“Whether the product is good enough to motivate me to become one of its promoters?”
You may ask: why does product promotion has something to do with designers? If UX designers can build a relationship between the users and potential users, for example, put a “sharing on Twitter” button on the right place, there might be more people will join in (this is a method of most basic level).